Our Mission

Is the Gospel enough?

This is the question that started it all. We at the Gospel House are on a mission to prove that the Gospel of Jesus Christ was, is, and always will be enough for everything we will face in this life - and we would love to prove it with you.



in the authority of the Bible

The Bible is the inspired, infallible, inerrant Word of God; therefore we give it the highest level of authority in our lives. Everything we do is measured by God’s standard of His Son, Jesus Christ, whom we know and see more clearly through His inspired and perfect Word.


in the One, Trinitarian God

Our God exists as three distinct persons: God the Father, God the Son - Jesus Christ, and God the Spirit. Yet, in the mystery of the Trinity, these three persons exist as One True God. Each person of the trinity is equally God, equally worthy of our worship, and equally accessible through the good news of the Gospel.


in the imperishable Gospel of Jesus Christ

The Gospel is all encompassing and to be true disciples of Jesus, our highest goal is to learn to apply the implications of the Gospel to every facet of our lives. The Gospel says that we are all fallen humans - deeply flawed and wicked. YET, in God’s great love for us, He sent His Son to save us, even though there is nothing we could do to deserve it. Because Jesus came, died on a cross for our sins, rose again on the third day, and ascended to the right hand of the Father in Heaven, we now have unhindered access to the Holy Spirit who promises to give us the power to walk out the implications of the Gospel as we surrender in dependence to Him.


Worship God in all we do

In Romans 12, Paul tells us to “offer our lives as living sacrifices to God,” that this is our “spiritual service of worship.” This means that everything we do has the potential to be an act of worship to God. Worship isn’t a kind of music, it’s not a part of service here at the Gospel House - worship is how we live our lives in communion with God; giving Him all of the glory in everything we do.


Disciple with one another as the Holy Spirit disciples with us

When Jesus rose from the dead on that first Easter Sunday some 2,000 years ago, He taught two things: disciple and wait on the Spirit. So that’s what we want to be about at the Gospel House. We disciple with one another, sharing the things that the Holy Spirit is teaching us, and doing life together.


Preach the Gospel in word and deed to all of creation

The commission that Jesus gives His disciples at the end of the Gospel of Mark tells us to “Go into the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” We preach the Gospel in word by sharing our testimony and the powerful work of Jesus Christ; and we preach the Gospel in deed by looking for, seeing, and responding to the needs around us. And we do this to all of creation: humans, animals, nature…God’s call to preach the Gospel is for ALL of His creation.